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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Hope

Freewriting and how it could help you…

Updated: Apr 26

Freewriting is a type of writing where you write without stopping for a set period of time. The goal is to get your thoughts down on paper without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. The only rule is that you can’t stop writing.

Freewriting can be helpful for a variety of reasons. It can help you:

  1. Generate ideas

  2. Clear your head

  3. Overcome writer’s block

  4. Improve your writing skills

  5. Get to know yourself better

  6. Gain confidence

  7. Make connections between topics

  8. Overcome perfectionism and the fear of a blank page

  9. Boost creativity

  10. Solve problems in your writing

To start freewriting, simply find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Set a timer for 5-15 minutes and start writing. Write about anything that comes to mind, even if it’s just a stream of consciousness. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Just keep writing!

When the timer goes off, take a break and read over what you wrote. You might be surprised at what you come up with. Freewriting can be a great way to get your thoughts down on paper and to start exploring your ideas.

Here are some tips for freewriting:

  1. Don’t edit yourself. The goal is to get your thoughts down on paper, not to create a polished piece of writing.

  2. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. You can always go back and edit your work later.

  3. Write about anything that comes to mind. Don’t censor yourself. Just let the writing flow, even if it doesn’t make immediate sense.

  4. If you get stuck, just write “I don’t know what to write” over and over again. Eventually, you’ll start to come up with something.

  5. Freewrite for at least 5 minutes. The longer you freewrite, the more you’ll get out of it.

Freewriting is a great way to improve your writing skills and to get your thoughts down on paper. It also helps to build your confidence as a writer, especially when you see your word counts increase.

You don’t have to stay on topic when you freewrite. Allow yourself a stream of consciousness approach. You may jump from one topic to another. You might find word associations. Or you might find that you stick with the same topic. Just see where the journey takes you, let go of your expectations and allow your mind to be free from the constraints imposed upon it by formal writing conventions.

Here are some freewriting prompts to get you started.

If I won the lottery I would…

Dogs make great pets because…

If my friends only knew that

The smell of her perfume reminded me…

Diets don’t work because…

My favourite place in the world is…

When I wake up in the morning I…

Or you can invent your own prompts. The possibilities are endless. So why not give freewriting a try and see how it works for you?

There is no wrong – just write!

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