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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Hope

Why Start Blogging & How to Begin?

Updated: Apr 18

Why blogging is a great way to have your thoughts and opinions heard.

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with the world. It's a platform where you can be yourself, write about whatever you want, and connect with people who share your interests.

But here's the thing: blogging can also be very liberating, and a great way to get something off your chest.

You have the freedom to say whatever you want without censorship. You also have the freedom to express who you are and what you really feel about certain topics.

When you're writing about something you're passionate about, it's easy to let your personality shine through. And if you have a good sense of humour, your readers will appreciate that too. Sometimes it can help to bring some light to otherwise heavy topics.

Here are a few tips for writing engaging blog posts:

  • Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. People respond to authenticity. It may take a while to find your writer's voice so play around with different writing styles until you find one that is right for you, and feels most authentic.

  • Write about things you're passionate about. When you're excited about a topic, it shows in your writing.

  • Don't be afraid to be honest and opinionated. People want to read real thoughts and feelings, not just fluff.

  • Use humour if you feel comfortable to do so, but don't force it.

  • You can write as many posts as you would like in draft format before publishing them. Use the draft tool to store ideas for future posts too. It can help to make a start on a topic in draft, and come back to it later and flesh it out. Publish posts when you're ready to.

  • Remember, posts don't need to be perfect. Sometimes it's best to just bite the bullet and get your writing out there.

  • You can control the privacy of who sees your published posts, so if you're not fully comfortable going public, many blogging platforms have the option to set a password which can then be shared with a select few readers.

Why is blogging regularly important?

If you're serious about building an audience for your blog, it's important to post on a regular basis. This shows your readers that you're committed to your blog and that there's always new content to look forward to.

How often you should post depends on your niche and your audience. But a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least one new post per week.

If you're struggling to come up with new blog post ideas, here are a few tips:

  • Keep a notebook of ideas. Whenever you think of something interesting to write about, jot it down in your notebook.

  • Follow other bloggers in your niche. This is a great way to see what other people are writing about and get inspired.

  • Ask your readers for ideas. Run a poll on social media or send out a newsletter asking your readers what they'd like to read about.

  • Welcome guest bloggers. These may be bloggers who are just starting out, or more established. You could guest blog on each other's blogs.

  • Invite a special guest for a Q&A session. That way, your blog will get shared out to their audience too, and could create some new interest in your writing.

How to set up your own WordPress blog

Setting up a WordPress blog is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Install WordPress or access it via your web browser.

  2. Set up a WordPress account.

  3. Choose a domain name. Your domain name is the address of your blog on the internet. You can choose a free one, which will have 'WordPress' in the title, or you can use a paid-for domain name.

  4. Choose a theme. A theme controls the look and feel of your blog. There are thousands of free WordPress themes to choose from.

  5. Customize your blog. Once you've chosen a theme, you can start customizing your blog. This includes adding your own logo, changing the colors and fonts, and adding widgets.

  6. Write your first blog post! Once your blog is customized, you're ready to write your first post. Just go to the Posts section of your WordPress dashboard and click on Add New.

  7. Choose whether to publish the post publicly, or make it passworded, or leave it as a draft for later.

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