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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Hope

Father's Day Tea

"Bring your dad to Father's Day Tea,

It's at school on Tuesday 9th

-a chance to show some love for your dad,

and to spend some precious time."

Two little boys cannot take part

-their dad won't be there at all,

They will sit and observe as classmates and friends

chat and eat with their dads in the hall.

The boys' dad is banned from the school, you see,

(he can't set foot in the grounds), 

They can only imagine what it would be like

to have their dad come around.

Sports day, parents' eves, assemblies, plays

-no way for him ever to attend.

So the little boys simply look on and see 

all the dads who came for their friends.

Nobody thinks of the impact or stress,

(it's considered to just be tough luck)

It's a problem that nobody wants to address -

the system does not give a ...thought 

to the harms that are caused 

to these two young men, 

who did not ask for any of this. 

Annie Hope

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